Found in surf along Assateague and other barrier islands, deep channels, inlets
and other areas around Ocean City and Chincoteague. Like red fish, small Drum
feed along sand bars, shorelines and on shallow flats. Bigger fish stick mostly
to inside channels and surf.
Grows to larger size and is darker in color than the Red Drum.
Drum over 100 pounds have been caught and specimens weighing 40 to 80 pounds are
not rare in areas around Assateague. Smaller ones are called (puppy drum) and
generally weigh 1-15 pounds. The world record is 113 pounds. 1 ounce. Black Drum
to about 6 or 8 pounds are very tasty, and some say it tastes like chicken.
A strong fighter, and one that many salt water angler's and fishermen along the
Chesapeake bay region will remember for many years.
surf tackle and heavy saltwater boat rods are used when targeting these big fish,
but even the larger fish can be caught rather easily on spinning and casting tackle.
The best is often fresh clams or soft crabs. Cut fish or squid can also work at
times. Drum are not great lure-chasers but can be taken on slowly presented jigs
in deep water.
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