Whether a person has hunted for 50 years or 5 minutes, the most
enjoyable day of hunting begins and ends with hunting safely.
All hunters are encouraged to exercise the following rules for
hunting safety.
1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded and remember to
keep the safety on.
2. Control your gun and only point at what you intend to shoot.
Duck hunters should be extra careful with guns because other
people are usually close by.
3. Before shooting, identify your game, make sure no person
is in the way and that nothing is beyond it.
4. Every deer hunter or person accompanying a deer hunter must
wear blaze orange.
5. Deer hunters should hold a flashlight while walking in the
woods or fields in the dark to let others know that you are
not game.
Hunters using tree stands should:
1. Use a harness or safety belt to secure yourself to the tree.
Always wear a safety belt while in a tree while deer hunting.
2. Know your physical limits and don't climb a tree unless
you are sure you are physically able. You can always hunt from
or build a simple ground blind from tree branches.
3. Use a haul line to get your unloaded gun into and out of
the tree stand. Never climb with equipment.
4. Stay alert and awake. If you start to nod off, get back
to the ground.